The Tractor John Deere 8235R is the smallest of JD 8R range. It is propelled by a Powertech PSX engine that JD builds themselves. This engine has a 9-liter displacement and is refrigerated by liquid by means of a system that requires 41 liters of refrigerant to completely fill it. The 6-cylinder diesel engine uses a doubl e-stage air filter to purify the intake air before the combustion chamber is mixed and mixed with the diesel. The engine can be optionally preheated with a motor block heater. Motor fires have a compression ratio from 16 to 1. The engine has a maximum power of 235 hp.
The engine power is transferred to the wheels through 2 different transmission systems. The first is a Powershift transmission that provides the John Deere 8235R 16 marches when he moves forward and 4 for reverse. The other less intensive transmission is an infinitely variable transmission that provides the JD 8235R infinite marches when moving forward and also reverse. The fuel tank of this tractor has capacity for 694. 9 liters of diesel. The engine starts with two 12 volt batteries that provide 925 cold starting amps. These batteries are recharged by an alternator of 200 amps once the engine is running.
The John Deere 8235R allows you to choose between a rear hook 3/3N or 4N/4. The maximum hitch lifting capacity is 8300 kg for hitch 4N/4, while 3/3N hitch has a safe elevation capacity of 7847 kg. This tractor is capable of accommodating and using a John Deere 843 front charger. If you like JD 8235R but you prefer something with a little more power, there are other options in the same class 8R. Try the John Deere 8260R and John Deere 8285R.