John Deere 1530


The tractor John Deere 1530 is the model that replaced John Deere 1520 in 1973. JD 1530 is a tractor of the generation 2 series that was manufactured for a total of 3 years, until 1975. The tractor is propelled by an engine designed andBuilt by John Deere. This engine is a 3-cylinder diesel that has a displacement of 2. 7 liters. The engine works with a compression ratio of 16. 2 to 1. overheating is avoided thanks to a liquid cooling system that needs 10. 4 liters of water to completely fill. The lubrication system contains 5. 7 liters of oil. The engine uses a direct sliding transmission. The gearbox has 8 speeds for the scope ahead and 4 for reverse.

The total weight of the John Deere 1530 tractor is 2041 kg. It has a wheelbase of 1. 88 m (74. 4 inches). The tractor front wheels, responsible for directing it, measure each 6-16 (6 inches wide, 16 inches in tire diameter). The rear wheels that drive it forward measure each 13. 6-28 (13. 6 inches of width, 28 inches in tire diameter). The thread of the tractor front wheels is quite different from the thread of the rear wheels. In addition to the wheels, the JD 1530 engine also operates the hydraulic system. It is a closed system with a 41. 6-liter valve flow per minute (11 US galones per minute). The total capacity of the hydraulic system is 36 liters.

This hydraulic system activates the hitch of 3 points of category 2 located at the rear of the tractor. The John Deere 1530 fuel tank may contain up to 62. 5 liters of diesel. You can leave your opinion about the JD 1530 tractor below using the opinion form. Be sure to include all possible details to offer readers a vision as objective as possible in the tractor. Do not forget to also mention any modification or accessory for the tractor.

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