Swisher ZT2454


The Zero Swisher ZT2454 Z-MAX XTR Tour Swisher Swisher is another decent offer of the Swisher equipment that includes machines with smaller widths such as the Zero Swisher ZT2452A and larger machines as the Swisher Zt2760b Swisher Swisher. The ZT 2452 ZMAX XTR obtains its power from a Briggs & Stratton gasoline engine with head valves and a total power of 24 hp. This engine has a pressure lubrication system to ensure that all mobile parts remain functional without excessive wear. The engine transmits power to the wheels through a double hydrostatic transmission manufactured by Eaton.

The driver controls how much power each rear wheel receives at the Swisher ZT2454 through the lap bars located in front of him. These are also used to control whether they move forward or backward. This Eaton transmission provides the ZT 2454 Z-MAX ZTR to a maximum speed of 9. 7 km/h both forward and back. The cutting platform incorporates 3 Mulching blades that make grass cuts cut more finely and rot faster, leaving the grass with a cleaner appearance than if normal blades were used. The cutting width of the cutting platform is 50 inches, but has a total width of 62 inches, since the plastic discharge cover is located on the roof side.

The Swisher ZT2454 Z-Max XTR platform is made of 11 caliber welded steel that offers great durability. There are rollers in the front and rear of the platform that act to maintain the elevated platform on the ground in which it is working so that the blades do not accidentally scrape the soil and leave unwanted and antistnetic scars. The cutting platform is connected to an electric strength by means of a button that is pressed or thrown to connect and disconnect it. Click here to buy the Swisher ZT2454.

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