McCulloch MC627ES Snow Blower


The McCulloch Mc627es snow blower is a powerful launch that works with the same LCT ‘Storm Force’ engine as the McCulloch Mc624es snow blower. This 0. 21 liter and 4-stroke engine provides the machine for sufficient power to face even the most intense snowfall. It provides 9 feet-books from torque to the machine and has a fuel tank with capacity for 1. 9 liters of gasoline. This powerful engine is capable of throwing the snow up to 12. 2 m (40 feet) of the machine.

As the McCulloch Mc627es snow blower is a double stage snow blower, it is very rare that it is blocked. Many singl e-stage machines are locked regularly in their ducts because the endless simply cannot provide enough strength to expel snow properly. Luckily, the MC627 is deals with this problem. Once the snow is sent to the duct, it is first with a 3-blast steel driver at the bottom of the duct. This provides the snow an additional force when expelling it. The conduit itself is made of steel, which means that it will not be folded or easily broken, not even with very heavy snow charges.

In the upper part of the 2-stage snow blower McCulloch Mc627 there is a deflector that provides the operator with an additional control over the snow discharge place. Both the duct and the deflector are handled at a distance from the operator position for comfort. You also have the option to buy drift blades that allow you to easily face snow that is deeper than the entrance height of 0. 58 m (23 inches) of the MC 727 is. The cleaning width of this machine is 0. 69 m (27 inches), greater than that of the McCulloch Mc621 snow blower. You also have the option of using front counterweights in this launch if you are in front of the snow very compacted. These will include the machine in the front and help you cut and destroy the compacted snow and ice.

One Review of the McCulloch MC627ES Snow Blower

I bought this machine too late in the season (3/1/2011), after almost everyone was exhausted. A close power equipment distributor had this. I did not find out until after buying that what is left of McCulloch is a part of Husqvarna. It turns out that this machine is almost identical to the Husky model of entry level, except that it has an endless 27 ″, instead of 24 ″ in the Husky. Husky puts a larger engine, a better endless, and assisted direction in its 27 ″ model, but charges $ 250 more for it.

So far I have only run 1 tank of gas through it. I cleaned up a few corners that were left by my snowplow guy after a wet snow that froze quite hard. I also broke about a 2 foot wide 5 foot high bank with my steel shovel, then blew the snow out. This would probably have been hard work for any manual blower. I was pleased with the power it had. I never jammed the machine.

My MC627ES has yellow paint on the auger casing, impeller casing, and frame. I think it looks better than the all black version on McCulloch’s website. The sticker on the blower says Year 2010. I don’t know, but that may mean it was actually made in 2009. Maybe that’s why it’s yellow.

So far I think I have a reasonable deal for $750 plus tax. If we get more snow in Readfield, Maine this year (it’s raining right now), I’ll have a chance to assess it further, and may post an update.

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