There are actually 2 tractors McCulloch M11577 very similar. One is the normal M11577, while the other is the McCulloch M11577H. Virtually everything in both shortcuts is identical except a crucial thing … its transmission systems. The McCulloch M11577H transmission system is hydrostatic, which means that the operator does not need to change the speed. Instead there is a lever that only has to press forward or back in order to accelerate or reduce speed. In the normal M11577 a gear change transmission system is used to accelerate and stop. This gear change system provides the tractor 5 advance speed and a reverse speed.
The engine of these two grass tractors is a briggs and Stratton that supplies 6 kW of net power at 2, 500 rpm. It is an engine of a cylinder that takes the gasoline from a tank that can contain up to 4. 7 liters of gasoline. The Briggs and Stratton engine uses a splash lubrication system to keep the engine constantly greased. The total weight of the McCulloch M11577 Speaker is 172 kg. The cutting cutting platform has an operational width of 0. 77 m (30 inches).
The standard form of treating grass cuts is simply downloading them on the side of the cutting platform. However, there is also a mulching kit that can be bought optionally to convert grass cuts into a quick decomposition mulch. There are 2 other variants of this model: the McCulloch M11577RB and the McCulloch M11577HRB. The acronym RB means rear tid off, since both hostages come with a rear tider as standard. Be sure to leave a comment below if you have ever had or used a McCulloch M11577 Cortorésped tractor.