Reference is often referred to the Massey Ferguson 50 as Massey Harris 50, since it was originally manufactured by Massey Harris when its production began in 1957. However, the Massey Harris and Ferguson tractors merged when they were still leaving the production lines, So the name changed to Massey Ferguson 50, with which it is more commonly known. This model remained in production for 7 years, until its production ceased and Massey Ferguson 150 took its place. The model to which the MF 50 is replaced is the Massey Ferguson F40.
The Massey Ferguson 50 can be equipped with three different engines. The first is an LP continental gas engine. This 4-cylinder engine and liquid cooling has a 2. 2-liter displacement. Another motor option is a 3-cylinder and 2. 5 liter displacement diesel engine. This engine is also refrigerated by liquid. The last option is an Z134 Natural Aspiration continental engine. This 4-cylinder engine and liquid cooling has a 2. 2-liter displacement. The maximum power of any of the engines is 38 hp. It is transferred through a gearbox that provides the MF 50 6 marches when moving forward. The engine sits on a 4 × 2wd chassis.
The total operating weight of Massey Ferguson 50 is 1784 kg (3933 lb) when measured with the Perkins diesel engine installed. This figure increases to a maximum weight with ballast of 2729 kg (6017 lbs). The MF 50 also has a 540 rpm rear TDF. The 50 was a fairly popular tractor when it was marketing in the late fifties among small and medium farmers. The fact that it was not a large tractor made it perfectly suitable for farmers who had small fields and did not need a tractor to drag a huge plow. Today, 50 can still be found in working conditions on many farms.