John Deere 6130D


Tractor John Deere 6130D belongs to the 6000 series of utilitarian tractors. Other models of this range are the John Deere 6100D and John Deere 6115D tractors. JD 6130D is available in 2 different configurations. You can acquire it with a heated cabin (which is a good idea if you are going to use it in an area that receives adverse climatic conditions) or if you are going to use it in an area that receives temperate climatic conditions you can acquire a slightly cheaper model with a position of theOpen operatorBoth models have a rops as standard.

The John Deere 6130D engine is manufactured by JD itself. It is a 4045H Powertech model that provides 130 hp. It is a 4-cylinder intercooler turbocharged engine. The engine works with a compression ratio of 19: 1 and is refrigerated by liquid. The total engine displacement is 4. 5 liters. The engine is diesel and feeds on a fuel tank that can contain up to 157. 8 liters of diesel. The change of marches of JD 6130D is relatively simple thanks to the possibility of choosing between 2 gearboxes. The first is a Powreverser gearbox that provides the 9-speed tractor both forward and backward. The other option is a synchronized superior axis transmission that provides 9 speeds running forward and only 3 for reverse.

The hitch of 3 points of category 2 of the John Deere 6130D has the capacity to raise up to 3084 kg safely. You can house a wide range of implements, many of which will have to balance with ballast to the wheels or the front/rear ballast or wheels. The wheelbase of the JD 6130D measures 2. 34 m (92. 5 inches). For more information, visit John Deere’s page.

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