John Deere 5055E


There are two different variants of the John Deere 5055 utractor tractor. This is the John Deere 5055E, on which this analysis is, and the John Deere 5055d, which is a slightly different machine for several reasons. The John Deere 5055E obtains its power of a Powertech 3029 turbocharged diesel engine designed and manufactured by John Deere. This engine has a total volume of 2. 9 liters and consists of 3 cylinders. Use a liquid cooling system to avoid overheating and has a total power of 55 hp. The power of this engine is transferred to the wheels by means of a Syncshuttle transmission system that provides the JD 5055E 9 marches when it moves forward and only 3 for the reverse.

The maximum speed of John Deere 5055e is 26. 8 km/h. The JD 5055E uses hydrostatic assisted direction so that the management and driving of the machine are relatively easy and without stress. The 3-point hook of this utilitary tractor has a maximum capacity to support up to 1447 kg (3192 lbs) safely. Hydraulic humid disc brakes of this tractor offer a superior braking.

The 3-point hitch of the 5E series, category 2, of the John Deere 5055E is compatible with a wide range of accessories, from cutting platforms to backhoes, which makes this utilitarian tractor very useful in small agricultural farms, parks and parks andgardens. You can buy the JD 5055E with 3 different configurations. There are 2WD, 4WD and MFWD versions, all of them with different weights. Models similar to this include both the John Deere 5045 utractor tractors and the John Deere 5055D (obviously). If you own a 5055E, then please let other potential buyers know more about him leaving a comment below. Be sure to fill all the details about what the attachments you use with it, as well as any other relevant information.

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