The John Deere 4700 compact tractor was manufactured for 4 years, from 2000 to 2003. This tractor is compatible with a wide range of accessories, so it is perfect for use in large gardens, farms and small farms, as well as for theCommercial work. You can carry a 7 2-inch cutting platform mounted in the center to cut the grass. In the back you can host a backhoe from John Deere 48 to digs ditches or holes. In the front you can use a loader John Deere 460 to move earth or think. The hydraulic system that acts these implements and many more in JD 4700 is open and works at 172. 4 bars (2500 psi).
The engine that operates the John Deere 4700 and its implements is a Yanmar 4TNE88. This engine is diesel and has a total displacement of 2. 2 liters. The engine remains cold by means of a liquid cooling system that requires 7. 2 liters of water to fill it completely when empty. The engine is a 4-cylinder model that works with a compression ratio of 18: 1. The engine is kept running without problems thanks to a pressure lubrication system that contains up to 4. 8 liters of oil. It is quite easy to start the JD 4700 on a cold day thanks to an air heater integrated into the engine.
The John Deere 4700 is the largest in the JD 4000 series. It measures 3. 42 m long and weighs 1632 kg. If you prefer something smaller, then tractors such as the John Deere 4200 or the John Deere 4300 or even the John Deere 4600 may interest you, since they are also part of the 4000 series. Fortunately, the control of this compact utility tractor is quite easyto the fact that it has assisted direction and also uses wet disc brakes to control its speed. Please leave your thoughts and views on this tractor in a review through the following form.