John Deere 2720


The John Deere 2720 compact tractor is larger and more powerful than any of his little brothers, the John Deere 2320 or the John Deere 2520. The JD 2720 is really a superstar, since he can perform many different tasks in his garden and in hisproperty. Obviously there are a multitude of cuts of the corteped that can be mi d-mounted on it. These include the 54 inches, 60 inches, 62 inches and 72 inches segers, as well as a number of other mounted folding roofs in the rear. Do not forget that you can also use this machine in the winter by binding a number of snow withdrawal devices. These begin with a JOHN Deere 47 ″ snow blower, but you can also attach a John Deere 59 ″ snow blower, as well as a front knife John Deere 54 inches or a snow blower John Deere 54 ″.

There is also a wide range of planting accessories, loaders, backhoes, rakes, aerators and rotary brooms that can be connected to the John Deere 2720 to improve its usability. The engine that drives the JD 2720 is a 3TNV88 diesel of 31. 4 hp. This thre e-cylinder engine has a natural aspiration and a cylinder of 1, 642 liters. The liquid cooling system that prevents motor overheating has a cooling capacity of up to 3. 8 liters of refrigerant.

Once the engine has started, the 12 volt battery provides 500 cold starting amps and recharges by an alternator of 40 amps. All implements mounted on the rear usually connect to the thre e-point hitch of category 1. This hitch has a maximum elevation capacity of 650 kg (1433 lbs). The antivuelco bar (Rops) is folding to facilitate the storage of the John Deere 2720. The total weight of the machine is 895 kg when sent. If you have a JD 2720, please leave a comment below so that others know more about it. Please try to include as many details as possible.

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