The CUB Cadet GT2550 Speaker uses exactly the same engine as that of the Cub Cadet GT2544 garden tractor. It is a Kohler Command engine that provides the machine 22 hp. The GT 2550 is a very versatile machine and is mainly used as a corteped, but in reality it is capable of making a wide range of other works thanks to the different Cub Cadet accessories with which it is compatible. Obviously, the most popular accessories are a range of borrowers to collect grass cuts, but there are also many others. During the winter you can attach a double stage snow blower and 42 inches wide at the front. You can also attach plows, rollers, sprayers, aerators, clearing and cars.
As soon as you remember that when you attach an implement to the GT2550 grass cutter of Cub Cadet, the weight distribution in it changes. This means that you will need to bind the front or rear plates of the weight to balance the mourning and to prevent potentially tilting or losing traction during the operation. The GT 2550 cutting platform has a 5 0-inch cut width, so it is suitable for large gardens, parks and game fields.
This CUB Cadet GT2550 cut platform consists of 3 small blades, so it is more efficient in the cut of its grass and gives a more uniform cut compared to a single large blade. The Platform of the Corteped has been built with 12 caliber steel that makes it very strong. It also uses small wheels to move on the grass, preventing the platform for the floor. The GT 2550 weighs 381 kg. It also has a 3-year guarantee or 120 hours of operation (which happens first). If you are looking for a more powerful corteped model then you could consider the Garden Cadet GT2554 garden tractor.
2 Reviews of the Cub Cadet GT2550
Bought this machine new in 2007. Overall I am happy with the GT 2550. One note, on my machine the center air vent in the plastic hood was blocked. Removing it greatly improved airflow and allowed engine heat to escape much better. Also, on these shaft-drive machines, after each cut, you need to remove the foam pre-filter and clean it, this will greatly improve engine cooling during operation. Due to the hood design, everything is drawn into the intake area. Also clean the magneto air fan after each cut. For those who complain about motors overheating, this is the main cause of the problem. I quickly discovered that a good cleaning of the above mentioned areas after each cut was absolutely necessary to keep the engine cool during cutting operations. Keep the engine and filter changed every season with proper 4-cycle oil and proper filter and lubricate each grease fitting at least once or twice per season, depending on hours used. My GT 2550 has just over 400 hours on it and it still runs like new. Oh yeah, always use Sea Foam on all your outdoor equipment fuel. I have used it for years with very good results.
A previous reviewer mentioned that he had problems with the hot engine. I have not experienced this in any way. Mi 2550 is one of the first versions with a metallic hood. There is no ventilation problem. The air for engine cooling is extracted on the side of the engine that looks towards the operator; It is a totally open area, so I have no idea what the other reviewer was talking about. There are a lot of poplars around my property so when it is diffuse time simply to check the admission before and after each race and I have had zero heat problems. There is also a small oil cooler on the left side of the engine that must be kept clean too. When I bought my used tractor, the cooler was dirty and covered. After cleaning it well it has been clean since then, so I think the previous owner never cleaned it. There is a grid just below the steering wheel through which a lot of air passes.(Again, the previous poster does not have a clue of what he is talking about Lol) I can see the cottonwood fluff get aspirated to it because there is so much air that passes through there. Change all fluids every spring and grease everything at least twice a year; I am totally waiting to obtain decades of service of this tractor. I grew up using the Allis Chalmers 312 of my father and lasted 30 years. Dad and I put an incredible amount of hours, so the engine had to be rebuilt twice. I hope this same type of extreme service of this CUB. Originally I was looking for any tractor to buy, including deeres from the 300 series that I am sure is a good tractor too, but I’m glad I bought a CUB instead.
By the way, we must not confuse the lawn tractors with the garden tractors. The grass tractors are basically to cut the grass and remove the snow. Garden tractors are more resistant and designed for more demanding use and can use equipment that works on the ground. It is known that grass tractors suffer excessive wear or fail only to cut the grass into steep hills, while garden tractors can endure much more punishment.
When I throw my trailer with a heavy load, heavy sometimes I have some skating of the wheels of the friendly grass tires. It may be that you get the wheel weights to help this out.