Lawn Boy 21 Inch Single Stage Snow Blower


There are 2 different Lawn Boy 21 Inch Single Stage Snow Blowers made by Lawn Boy. The first is the 34001 21″ snowblower. This is initiated by a simple mitt grip, pull cord, recoil mechanism. The 34002 21″ Snow Blower is identical in every way, except for the fact that you have 2 options to start it. You can either use the pull cord recoil mechanism, or you can plug it into the mains outlet instead. nearby, push a button and it’s up and running with much less effort.

Like many single stage snow throwers, the Lawn Boy 21″ single stage snow thrower is semi self propelled. This means that the wheels do not provide any forward movement to the machine. Instead, the snowthrower is pulled forward by the same auger that is used to cut the snow. The auger is positioned so that it just touches the ground lightly. As the auger begins to rotate, it constantly “grabs” on the ground and pulls the machine forward. If the auger were made of steel, it would severely damage any surface it ran over, so Lawn Boy has made the auger out of rubber.

Once the auger has properly cut the snow, it directs it into the flue where it is blown up to 10. 7 m away. This conduit is made of polymer and must be turned by hand. The motor that powers the 34001 and 34002 snow blowers is a Tecumseh having a power output of 5. 5 horsepower. The weight of the 34001 snow blower is 36. 7 kg (81 lbs), while the weight of the 34002 is 37. 6 kg (83 lbs). Both snow blowers carry a 2-year warranty for residential users. If you’re looking for something a little smaller, then check out the Lawn Boy 20 Inch Single Stage Snow Blower.

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