The Husqvarna Yth24V42LS cut is a powerful mediu m-sized model of the Husqvarna equipment. However, this 24 hp and 4 2-inch mapping tractor is much smaller than the Husqvarna Yth24V54xls and Husqvarna Yth22V46xls models. However, the best of the YTH 24V 42LS is the fact that it can handle even very long or wet grass thanks to all its power. This power obtains it from a 2-cylinder and 0. 726 liters cylindrated Kawasaki engine. This ai r-cooled engine transfers its power to the wheels using a TUFF Torq transmission system that has a differential block, which allows it to make incredibly closed turns. Its minimum rotation radius is only 16 inches.
As mentioned earlier, the Husqvarna Yth24V42LS cutting has a 4 2-inch width cut platform. However, the total width of the cutting platform is actually much higher, reaching 1. 45 m (57 inches). This is mainly due to the large plastic discharge fin on the side that is used to guide the grass waste outside the side of the cutting of the grass. However, the discharge duct can be removed and in its place a mulching bio clip plate can be used to cut the grass cuts into a fine mulch that rots quickly and returns its nutrients to the ground.
The drive of the tractor blades Husqvarna YTH24V42LS is very simple and only requires pulling the command located on the dashboard. You will also notice a bull bars system that act as a brush protector on the forehead of the prune that protects it against any significant scratch or scratch. The cutting platform of this corteped uses 2 small ant i-crisp wheels that prevent the grass surface from being ray.
2 Reviews of the Husqvarna YTH24V42LS
What I have found is that: placing soft padded materials on one side of my cutter and pulling the machine up on its side, I could easily reach all screws to remove them, and you can also have easy access to install the straps again. I can even sharpen the blades in that position too.
If it were me who did that machine today, I would install a metallic support under the molten metal hydraulic system of the rear, such as a cover, to protect it. I may do this myself soon in the Metal Fab Man business.
By the way, if you don’t have the front strut bar grill on the front of your machine like I do, GET IT SOON! You will wish one day you did. I made a small box that can be hung at the front to keep a few more tools like small hammer, small plant pruning shears, small strong rope or wire with hooks on each end, screwdrivers, knife, and a small ratchet set, somemost common keys used on this machine, and a crescent key, and good large pliers, and medium size channel locks. I can drive all over the farm and even repair fences with my toolbox in front of the machine.
It had broken the metal brackets that the rear hydraulics help the machine by. It had also broken a bolt and left the bottom half of this bolt in the cast metal hydraulic housing system and had also broken an ear on that unit that held it to the frame. It also had split and cracked two of the steel metal brackets that the cast metal rear bolted on as well.
I figured I would take the machine to the dealer who works on them and gave them a call. I told them about a broken bottom end of a bolt that needed to be removed and replaced with a new one. I also told them about the ONE DOG EAR cast piece that broke off and needed to be bolted to the other steel brackets. I had also hit the rear drive belt pulley which comes back easy.
The parts department told me that I couldn’t just buy the little cast piece that had broken off and quickly bolt it back on. They said their hydraulic belt driven rear ends come from Sweden and they only come in one big complete piece that would cost me over $700. 00 dollars to replace that whole rear end unit as a whole.
I thought about this for a while and then took the metal parts to the metal fabrication company near me. He repaired the metal fins of the steel deck with a quick job of welding. He also made a new dog ear in the cast metal casing, and replaced the very small steel bracket that was attached too much with a new produced one. He also removed the broken bolt from the cast metal casing and gave me a new bolt. He charged me $30 for the job. Not the $700-$800 that the Husqvarna dealer shop wanted to charge me. Now I have a wonderful machine again!
3- I have added a plastic stop valve in the gas line. This helps prevent the machine from being stolen and is also used when preparing to store the machine for the winter months. Close the valve, run the engine until the carburetor is empty and the machine stops. It prevents needle valves from sticking with these ethanol fuels that we are forced to use now. At the beginning of the grass season, open the gas rail valve under the hood, use the choke and the engine will start immediately. I’m lovin ‘it.
All fishermen hate ethanol fuels. Their engines break down in the sea and they have to call the coast guard to come save them.