Husqvarna YTH23V48


The Husqvarna YTH23V48 Cortation Tractor has a 4 8-inch cutting platform. This cutting platform consists of 3 high performance blades housed inside the steel platform. The platform is activated by an electrical clutch. Once the blades are turning and cutting the grass, it has several options to get rid of grass cuts. If you are lazy, then you can think of simply downloading them on the side of the top platform. However, if you want the grass to look careful, you can attach an optional borrower in the rear. The use of a borrowing requires a little more time because you have to empty it every time it is filled. In addition, if the grass is wet, the tube that goes to the worship can be clogged with grass. The third option is to use an optional Mulching Bioclip system to convert the grass cuts into mulch.

The Yusqvarna YTH23V48 engine that operates the cutting platform (as well as the wheels) is an Ink model, designed and manufactured by Briggs and Stratton. This engine has a size of 0. 724 liters and produces 23 horsepower. The engine is air refrigerated and starts by key with the help of a 12 volt battery. This battery is recharged by an alternator of 16 amps.

The Husqvarna YTH23V48 comes with a very comfortable high back seat that is lined with vinyl. The YTH 23 V48 comes with a hour accountant so that he can always judge precisely the next time he must perform the maintenance. The largest models include the LGT24K54 Husqvarna and the Husqvarna Yth26V54. If you have one of these garden tractor hostages then leave a comment below to let people know what they should expect from it. Please remember to mention the various accessories and accessories you use with you. Click here to buy the Husqvarna YTH23V48.

One Review of the Husqvarna YTH23V48

Very nice after the problem were addressed. I bought it used to an unsatisfied owner and found that the rear axle assembly tabs had been ‘welded once and were failing again without reinforcement … if it cannot solve them, it may be difficult to get a dealership to do it, butThe machine can become a very pleasant operational tractor.

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