The zer o-spi n-rotation spinning husqvarna LZF5227 has many similar brothers that include the IZ5223 husqvarna, the Husqvarna EZ5224 and the Zer o-Giro Zero Husqvarna Mz5225T, but this is the review of the LZF 5227, so we will talk exclusively about it from now on. The engine that drives the Husqvarna LZF5227 is a tw o-cylinder kohler. This engine obtains the fuel from a set of 2 identical deposits that have a total capacity of 43. 2 liters. This enormous fuel capacity makes it quite clear that the corteped is mainly commercial, since it does not require recharges every two hours such as residential cutcases usually do.
The engine uses a dual hydrostatic transmission of Hydro-Gear to transfer the power to the rear wheels. This transmission system makes the LZF 5227 automatic. As it is a zer o-rotation host, there is no steering wheel to control it. Instead there are 2 command bars in front of the driver’s seat. The operator presses both bars forward to move forward, both backwards to go back and in opposite directions to perform radio zero turns. The maximum speed of the cortesped is quite high, with a maximum of 16. 1 km/h (10 mph).
The engine also operates the Husqvarna Lzf5227 Specker Platform. This platform has a total width of 66 inches when the discharge channel is in the downward position (ON), but its real cut width is 52 inches. The height of the roof can vary from a 6-inch high to a low of 1. 5 inches on the ground. The elevation and drop in the roof is done with the help of a help lever operated by the foot because it is so heavy. He will also be to know that the LZF 5227 comes standard with a folding antivuelco bar (Rops) to help protect the driver.